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Watercolour & Ink on coloured paper, 18"X12"

I find it progressively more difficult to depict the whole reality of my perception without taking into account all my senses; not only the sight, but the smell, feel and sense of things... and in this ever elusive quest, colour seems to always emerge as my best ally.

In this regard, two of my most influencial visual references have been Henri Matisse and Vincent van Gogh, with the sheer brilliance of their colours.

I often find myself deviating into sensual similes, away from visual similarities 
- forgoing the naturalness of a drawing, for the sake of a holistic expression, searching for the intrinsic mood within forms.   

Coloured chalk & charcoal on paper, 6"X8"

Watercolour & Ink on paper, 18"X12"

Fountain Pen (coloured ink) on paper, 6"X8"

Mixed media on coloured paper with computer graphics, 18"X12"

Mixed media on coloured paper, 15" X 9"

Watercolour on paper, 15" X 9"

Watercolour on coloured paper, 18"X12"

There is also an element of caricature in my work. Today's world, with its increasing defiance of Nature, and so-called advances in technology, is offensive to my senses in most parts. Yet, after all has been said and done, the innate banality of the vain, human ego is a rather hilarious revelation!

I find myself constantly referring back to two ideas - the comic and the grotesque - which are quite like each other in certain ways.

In this regard, some of the other master artists that have influenced my work are Rabindranath Tagore, Gaganendranath Tagore, Benode Behari, Sukumar Ray, K.G. Subramanyam (Indian artists), Vincent van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Egon Schiel, Edward Much, (Western artists) to name just a few.

Watercolour & Ink on coloured paper, 18"X12"

Watercolour on coloured paper, 18"X12"

In experimenting with the 'ground colour' of an image I found that much could be achieved simply through the choice of an appropriate, single coloured ground (paper / canvas etc.) that compliments with and correlates to the colour-mood relationships within the image.
Some of these pictures (above, below and bottom of the page) were therefore done on coloured sheets of paper, instead of the more traditional white ground.

Pen & Coloured ink on paper, 8" X 6"

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